The purpose of the Services to Youth Facet is to execute an integrated approach to prepare young people to succeed as healthy citizens in the global workforce and to promote healthy lifestyles within families and communities.
Program Highlights
eSteamed Youth Program
The eSteamed Youth Program integrates program elements from all five facets, with the Services to Youth facet serving as the lead. The eSTEAMED Youth Program focuses on 5 key areas: Development of the Whole Child, Closing the Achievement Gap, Career Awareness, Financial Literacy, and Mentoring. The mission of the eSTEAMED Youth Program is to improve the high school experience by encouraging minority students to actively engage in the education process and increase their preparedness for transition to collegiate life. We facilitate interactive and engaging activities for 10th through 12th grade students that are geared towards Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
We also partner with The National Society of Black Engineers – Austin Professionals (NSBE-AP) on the NSBE-AP FreshStart program, a day of interactive workshops that introduce 6th – 12th grade students to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The program gives students a better understanding of careers in STEM fields.

The LIMBS (Links Improving Minds, Bodies, and Souls) Program broadens the focus of the Umbrella Program to address the needs of the whole person. The mind, body, and soul are intrinsically intertwined. It is vital to nurture each area of the person and support them in meeting their physiological, esteem,and self-actualization needs. The LIMBS Program includes the establishment of a Girl Scouts troop and the launching of an intensive mentoring program for middle school girls. These activities support social and emotional learning of the students and helps to build confidence, courage, and important life skills.
In Collaboration with The Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, we sponsor a group of more than 20 Bertha Sadler Means girls in the Gamma Sigma Girls® leadership development program. The program offers a sorority-like experience, allowing the girls to bond while exploring shared interests. The girls focus on one of three areas: advocacy, taking action, and being college bound
Link and Learn Mentoring Program
The Link and Learn Mentoring Program encourages mentoring relationships to focus on closing the academic achievement gap, workforce readiness, and healthy lifestyles.
Through our partnership with The Bertha Sadler Means Young Women’s Leadership Academy, we have established mentoring relationships with nearly 40 students. Our bi-weekly group mentoring sessions cover a variety of topics. Topic examples include: ‘Dealing with Emotions – Anger Management’, ‘How to Study’, ‘Effective Communication Skills’, and ‘Self-Esteem Building’.
Literacy Links
The Literacy Links Program emphasizes closing the elementary achievement gap by encouraging early childhood literacy. Our programming includes a Links Library at Oak Springs Elementary School stocked with books donated by The Austin (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, a reading day program, and a holiday break reading program.