Angela Henderson

As we strive for success and continue to strength in service, l would like to welcome you to the website of The Austin (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.

Established in 1946, African American women with shared progressive ideals and visions had aspirations of creating, shaping, and preserving the minds, goals, and beliefs of the culture. In December 1960, The Austin (TX) Chapter was founded and became the 4th installment in Texas in the Western Area.

Regionally and nationally, The Austin( TX) Chapter has been actively engaged in enriching minority based areas in all five of the National Organization facets; The Arts, Health & Human Services, International Trends, National Trends and Services, and Services To Youth through impactful partnerships.

We continue to elevate and extend the culture forward with our programs and initiatives throughout the city of Austin and surrounding areas.

Angela Henderson, President
Austin (TX) Chapter
The Links, Incorporated